Year 3 (Brilliant Bees) - Miss Talbot
Hello Year 3!
Welcome to our class page. This is where you will find all the important information that you need and you will also be able to see some of the work that we have been getting up to in class.
Here are some important things you need to remember each week.
What to bring every day:
Your water bottle to make sure you stay hydrated.
Your reading diary
Your reading book
Please make sure you have your pumps in school.
We will check your reading diaries to see if you have read three times each week. If you have, you will get a stamp for the Reading Race. It is really important to make sure you are reading to an adult at home regularly.
Homework is due on Wednesdays.
Spelling test. Please make sure children bring their pink spelling books on Thursdays.
PE kit.
Forest School Kit.
PE Kit.