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Autumn 1: Our Island Home

Summer 1&2: Afrcia


This term we are learning all about our island home.


  • To name the four countries of the United Kingdom and their major cities
  • To name the seas that surround the United Kingdom
  • To locate the United Kingdom on a world map and use a map of the UK to locate Overseal
  • To use atlases, aerial pictures and maps to locate places near and far
  • To identify the main features and places of interest on a map
  • To identify physical and human features of a locality
  • To compare Overseal with the Isle of Coll, in Scotland
  • To use geographical language to describe the key features of a place e.g. beach, coast forest, hill, mountain, ocean, valley
  • To begin to use co-ordinates and compass directions (North, South, East and West) to locate places on a map

Here we are using aerial pictures, maps, atlasess and Google Earth to locate the island of Coll and Overseal.

We went outside in the sun to learn how to use co-ordinates. Then we used what we'd learned to locate places of interest on the Island of Struay map.

Have a look at what we've been busy learning.
