E-safety is taught during computing lessons throughout the year. We also focus on online safety during Anti-bullying Week and on Internet Safety Day.
Computing Units for Year 3:
We are coders (sequencing and animation)
We are presenters (video communication)
We are network engineers (computer networks)
We are communicators (e-mail)
We are opinion pollsters (collecting and analysing data)
We are Presenters and Film makers!
We discussed what devices you can use to make films. Then we talked about what we record at home and why. We also discussed asking permission if you are going to film someone and how to store recordings safely.

We used our skills as film makers to record each other's gym sequences. Then we watched them back and peer assessed how we could improve them.

We worked in groups and planned and wrote a set of instructions for how to make something. Then we discussed the skills of a good performer and filmed each other. Finally, We watched them back and assessed our performances against our success criteria.