
Primary School

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Keeping Safe

In Autumn 2, the topic was keeping safe. We carried out the following activities: 

- Discussed our understanding of the term 'bullying'.

- What makes a good friend activity. 

- Used the PSHE display and the School Council flowchart poster.

- Discussed what they should do and who to turn to if they don't feel safe.

- Discussed STOP (several times on purpose).

- Completed 'The Power of Good' anti-bullying week activities. 

- Completed keeping safe posters on the computer. These looked at safety around the home, inside and outside of school and online safety. 

- Discussed our understanding of the term 'witness' and used the famous painting by L.S. Lowry called 'The Fight'. The children labelled it with their ideas about what is going on in the painting. 

- Discussed strategies to calm down and illustrated the feeling of anger and frustration with a firework artwork activity.


Take a look at some of our work. 
