Spring 1
Friday 5th January (Due Wednesday 10th January)
Literacy p7-9: Adverbs
No maths this week as 3 pages of literacy
Friday 12th January (Due Wednesday 17th January)
Literacy p14-15: Basic Relative Clauses
Maths p24: Written Multiplication
Friday 19th January (Due Wednesday 25th January)
Literacy p20: Subordinating Conjunctions
Maths p28: Equivalent Fractions
Friday 26th January (Due Wednesday 31st January)
Literacy p19: Co-ordinating Conjunctions
Maths p25: Written Division
Friday 2nd February (Due Wednesday 7th February)
Maths p30-31: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
No literacy this week and two pages of maths.
Friday 9th February (Due Wednesday 14th February)
Maths p29: Ordering Fractions
Literacy p10: Pronouns
Friday 16th February (Due Wednesday )
Maths p32-33: Multiplying with Fractions
World Book Day is on March 1st. We are going to be decorating the classroom linked to our favourite author. Can you create something to add to our display? It could be anything: a poem, a piece of artwork, a book review or even a picture of you dressed up.
Have a nice half term!