Creative Week
Charlotte's Web Creative Week
On Monday, we watched a theatre production of Charlotte's Web and this week we've linked all our leaning to this famous story. We asked the children what creative activities they would like to do and they had some fantastic ideas! Miss Warner and I used their ideas to plan this week.
In literacy, we have learned how a script is organised and how to use tone and volume of our voice to convey meaning. Also, we've performed scenes from the play and thought about our body language and facial expression. Next, we did some hotseating. We wrote open and closed questions to explore the character's feelings and thoughts. Miss Blake introduced us to the artist Picasso and we created our own Pigcasso pictures. Making clay Wilmur's was really fun!
We talked about how Yoga is good for our physical and mental health. We watched a clip on Cosmic Yoga and tried some different spider poses. Then we worked brilliantly in groups to create our own spider story using the poses.
On Thursday, we discussed what makes a good friend and we created friendship poems that we performed to the class. Finally on Friday we got to dress up as characters from our favourite books. What a busy week we've had! We love being creative!