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School Governors

Welcome to our Governor Page.


The structure of our governing body is 12 Governors in total: 1 Headteacher, 1 other staff governor, 2 parent governors, 1 local authority governor and 7 co-opted governors. We also have associate governors who support a particular committee but do not need to attend full governing body meetings.


If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact the Co-chairs of Governors, Helen Moreton and Phil Bowman, or the Headteacher, Leanne Borrington.  There are currently two vacancies for co-opted governors.


We can appoint extra associate governors to assist in a particular area where appropriate.  Alternatively we can bear you in mind if/when a vacancy arises.


Co-Chairs of Governors : Mrs Helen Moreton and Mr Phil Bowman





Mrs Helen Moreton

Mrs Moreton was appointed Co-Chair of Governors on 27.09.18 and reappointed every year since, most recently on 4.10.23.

To contact Mrs Moreton email h.moreton@overseal.derbyshire.sch.uk

Mrs Moreton was reappointed as a co-opted governor on 11.11.21 for a period of four years, her term of office will end on 10.11.25.

Mrs Moreton is the parent of one pupil at this school.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded. 

Mrs Moreton is not a governor at another educational institution.

Mrs Moreton is appointed by the Governing Body.

Mrs Moreton attended all six of the six governors meetings in the 2022-23 school year.


Mr Philip Bowman

Mr Bowman was appointed as Co-Chair of Governors on 29.9.22 and re-appointed on 4.10.23.

Mr Bowman was reappointed as a co-opted governor on 29.9.22 for a period of four years, his term of office will end on 27.09.26.

Mr Bowman is the parent of one pupil at this school.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded.

Mr Bowman is not a governor at another educational institution.

Mr Bowman is appointed by the Governing Body.

Mr Bowman attended all six of the six governors meetings in the 2022-23 school year.


Mrs Leanne Borrington

Mrs Borrington is currently the headteacher of the school.

She is on the Pay and Performance, Resources and Attainment & Achievement Committees.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded.


Mrs Alice Wiggins

Mrs Wiggins works at the school as a Class Teacher.  She was initially appointed as the staff governor on 01.03.16 for a four year term of office and is now serving a third term ending 30.03.2028.

She is on the Pay and Performance and Attainment & Achievement Committees.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded.  

Mrs Wiggins attended five of the governors meetings in the 2022-23 school year.

Mrs Wiggins was appointed by Staff Ballot.


Dr Felicity Towns

Dr Towns joined the Governing Body as an associate governor in January 2018.  Dr Towns agreed to move to become our LA Governor at the meeting on  27.09.18.  Following approval by the Local Authority, her second period of office started on 24.01.23 and will be for 4 years until 23.01.27.

Dr Towns is the parent of one pupil at this school.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded. 

Dr Towns is not a governor at another educational institution.

Dr Towns attended five of the six governors meetings in the 2022-23 school year.


Mr John Hall

Mr Hall was re-appointed for a second term as a Parent Governor on 10.02.23 for a period of four years, his term of office will end on 09.02.27.

Mr Hall is the parent of two children at this school.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded.

Mr Hall is not a governor at another educational institution.

Mr Hall was elected (unopposed) by the parents.

Mr Hall attended all six of the six governors meetings in the 2022-23 school year.


Mrs Laura Davies

Mrs Davies was appointed as a Parent Governor on 12.02.2021 for a period of four years, her term of office will end on 11.02.2025.

Mrs Davies is the parent of two children at this school.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded. 

Mrs Davies is not a governor at another educational institution.

Mrs Davies was elected (unopposed) by the parents.

Mrs Davies attended all six of the six governors meetings in the 2022-23 school year.


Mrs Jacqui Harper

Mrs Harper was appointed as an associate governor on 02.07.21 for a period of four years and was then appointed as a co-opted governor on 16.9.21. Her term of office will end on 15.9.25.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded. 

Mrs Harper is not a governor at another educational institution.

Mrs Harper is appointed by the Governing Body.

Mrs Harper attended five of the six governors meetings in the 2022-23 school year.


Mrs Katie Law

Mrs Law was appointed as a co-opted governor on 1.5.24. Her term of office will end on 30.4.28.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded. 

Mrs Law is not a governor at another educational institution.

Mrs Law is appointed by the Governing Body.


Mrs Amanda Chandler

Mrs Chandler was appointed as a co-opted governor on 25.9.24 for a period of four years, her term of office will end on 24.9.28.

Mrs Chandler is the parent of two children at this school.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded. 

Mrs Chandler is not a governor at another educational institution.

Mrs Chandler is appointed by the Governing Body.


Mrs Dawn Russell

Mrs Russell was appointed as a co-opted governor on 19.11.24 for a period of four years, her term of office will end on 18.11.28.

The Register of Business Interests shows no relevant business or pecuniary interests have been recorded. 

Mrs Russell is not a governor at another educational institution.

Mrs Russell is appointed by the Governing Body.

Governor Committee Membership


Resources:, John Hall - Secretary,  Leanne Borrington, Felicity Towns, Laura Davies

Pay & Performance:  Helen Moreton - Chair, Alice Wiggins - Secretary, Leanne Borrington, Phil Bowman

Attainment & Achievement: Phil Bowman - Chair, Leanne Borrington -Secretary, Jacqui Harper, Helen Moreton


Role definitions adopted as defined previously and powers delegated to the committees.


Link Governors appointed:

SEND – John Hall

Safeguarding – Jacqui Harper

Forest School - Felicity Towns

Curriculum  - The Attainment & Achievement Committee members



