
Primary School

Believe you can SHINE

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Hello Year 5,

Here is our class page, where you will find all the important information you need to know as well as place where we can showcase what marvellous work you have been doing in the land of Plantopia!



Important information 

Homework - Homework is set and handed out every Friday and is due in for the following Wednesday. If you need any help with your homework make sure you ask before the due date and I'll be happy to help.


Spellings - You will be given your spellings at the beginning of each half term and will have your weekly spelling test every Tuesday. You will then have until the following Tuesday to practise your new set.


Reading - Reading at home is very important and it would be great if you could read every day. Read at least 3 times a week to work your way through the reading race and earn rewards and prizes. Your homework diaries will be checked on a Monday

 PE - Our PE lessons are every Tuesday and Thursday so make sure you come into school that day with an appropriate PE kit as well as hair tied up and no jewellery. Thursday is our swimming day so you will need to bring in your swimming kit.


If you have any questions, big or small, I will always be happy to help. You can email me on: Year.5@overseal.derbyshire.sch.uk
