
Primary School

Believe you can SHINE

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Autumn 1: Stone Age dance (coach) & Fundamentals

Autumn 2: Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (coach) & Gym

Spring 1: Gym & Five 60 fitness (coach)

Spring 2: Fitness Circuits & Five 60 fitness (coach)

Summer 1: Games Skills (Netball, basketball and handball) & Games skills (Cricket)

Summer 2: Athletics & Games skills (Cricket, rounders and football)

Stone Age Dance

Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

Five 60 fitness

We are learning how to be healthy. We know that you need to stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet and stay active.

Food tasting!

We used our computing skills to film each other's gymnatsics sequences. Then we watched them back and discussed how we could improve.
