
Primary School

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Homework due 12.7.17

Numeracy pg 26 and 27

Literacy - Word match up spelling activity 

Homework due 5.7.17

Numeracy pg 23 and 24

Homework due 28.6.17

Numeracy - Arithmetic paper

Literacy - Harry Potter Spells


Homework due 21.6.17

Numeracy pg 20 and 21

Literacy - SPAG mat

Homework due 14.6.17

Numeracy pg 16 and 17

Literacy - SPAG mat

Homework due 7.6.17

Numeracy pg 42

Homework due 24.5.17

Numeracy pg 11

Literacy - Sentence practice

Homework due 17.5.17

Numeracy pg 45

Literacy - Staying in the same tense

Homework due 10.5.17

Numeracy pg 44

Literacy - Verb tense

Homework due 3.5.17

Numeracy pg 43

Literacy - Prepositions 
