Useful Links
For any safeguarding concerns or queries, please contact the Headteacher, Fiona Hughes (Designated safeguarding lead). In her absence, contact Mrs Borington or Mrs Riggott.
Apply for a school place Link to the DCC School Admission page
Clubs Complete On-site after school care
Cool Milk Order free milk (under 5s) or subsidised milk for your child
Department for Education School statistics and KS2 performance tables
DCC Job Sheet All job vacancies at Overseal Primary School will be advertised on the DCC Job Sheet
School Meals and Applying for Free School Meals Information, menus, etc or apply for free school meals
School Term Dates Derbyshire school term and holiday dates
School Uniform Buy school uniform from Clothing4 either on-line or at their shop on the High Street in Swadlincote
School Uniform Order school uniform from WB Global Trading (on-line or in store at Walton on Trent)
School Uniform Order school uniform from the My Clothing website (replaces the Tesco option as they no longer supply embroidered uniform)
School Uniform Order school uniform from the Your School Uniform web site
South Derbyshire Music Centre Our local music centre based at William Allitt School