Year 6
Chinese Landscapes Art and Design Autumn 1 2016
In Art and Design lessons this Autumn, we have studied the techniques used with watercolour paint, as part of the Y6 Literacy topic on The Willow Pattern story. Initially, we studied the features which make up traditional Chinese landscape paintings, such as pagodas, cherry blossom trees, water and mountain ranges, creating many annotated sketches. We then experimented with watercolour paint techniques, such as wet-on-wet (adding clear water to the paper and then brushing over with thin washes of paint), background washes using thick brushes, and building-up thin layers of paint. The most popular technique was definitely splattering paint with a toothbrush! We had to use a limited colour palette, inspired by The Willow Pattern design and our final paintings were excellent!
Beautiful Watercolour Paintings!
Urban Landscapes of Shanghai's Skyline
Year 6 have explored Urban Landscapes, inspired by the paintings of Henderson Cisz and the focus has been on the skyline of Shanghai. Just take a look at the fabulous Oriental Pearl TV Tower! We have attempted to adapt and refine some of the skills we learned with watercolour paints and perspective, but this time using soft pastels.
Urban Landscapes in pastels
Art and Design - Freedom quilts Autumn 2 term
As part of the topic work on slavery, Year 6 investigated the history behind the Freedom quilt code designs. We researched the Underground Railway and how sewing skills liberated thousands of African slaves in 19th century North America. The children each chose a symbol and experimented with designing in different colours and improving their tracing skills. The symbols were then transferred to fabric to make samplers, starting with a felt square for a base, on to which a variety of fabrics were appliqued for each part of their chosen symbol. Even though some children choose the same symbol, each sampler was unique and Year 6 made good use of a wide variety of textures and colours in their fabric choices. I am very proud to say that despite finding sewing difficult initially, each child persevered and made great progress with their skills! Now that the children's samplers are sewn together, the finished quilt looks stunning and will be displayed in the glass cabinet in the school gallery!
Amazing Applique!

Spring 1 Competitions!
This half-term, Year 6 have completed entries for 2 national competitions! They have created new professor characters for a Harry Potter competition and designed Christmas stamps for the Royal Mail! Good luck everyone and fingers crossed we win!
Year 6 have also been researching and sketching their ideas for "Alice in Wonderland" pictures, which will be completed next half-term, during our school Creative Week!
Spring 2 Creative Week !
This week, after researching ideas and inspirations in their sketchbooks,Year 6 chose their own media to create Alice in Wonderland themed pictures! Every picture was excellent and a wide variety of media and techniques were used, including spattering, felt tip pens, pastels, watercolour paint, dripping and silhouettes. Well done Year 6! I'm really proud of your artistic skills!
Amazing Alice Artworks!
Spring 2 term Art and Design - Mayan Clay
This topic has involved researching the Mayan civilisation art and architecture, as part of the History work. We began by making line drawings of artwork examples, and adding notes in our sketchbooks. After experimenting with differently graded pencils to create a range of tones, Y6 were able to create superb shading drawings, which look 3D!
We then moved on to clay to sculpt and carve our chosen designs. The results speak for themselves and all these sculptures are now proudly on display in the school's gallery!
Creating clay sculptures...
Sensational Sculptures!
Summer 1 term - Design and Technology - Soap Box Model Vehicles!
This half term, we have been investigating motorised pulley systems. As part of the Geography topic work on France, the children have made Soap Box model vehicles with a French theme.
The set criteria stipulated that the vehicle had to travel, use an electrical motor to drive a pulley system and have some kind of French theme design element. We spent the first couple of weeks making the chassis, wheels and axles, adding the motor circuit and pulley systems later. We finally designed and then made a vehicle body, which needed to ensure that the circuit could still be accessed, so that the vehicle could move.
After lots of measuring, sawing, designing, persevering and partnerhip, Year 6 have created ingenious little models! To celebrate our achievement, we tested our models with a rally in the school hall, which was great fun!
Congratulations Year 6! Your perseverance paid off and you have Soap Box Model Vehicles to be proud of!