Year 2
Island Vehicles - Design & Technology Autumn 1 2016
As part of the Literacy topic on Katie Morag this Autumn, Year 2 children have been designing and making their own vehicles in Design and Technology lessons. We started by looking at a range of vehicles and identifying their different purposes, such as emergency, work, transport or leisure.
Next, we drew diagrams of different vehicles that would be used on Katie's Island of Struay. Then, we began to design our own purposeful vehicles, such as a tractor for Katie's Grannie, or a post van to deliver the mail. Year 2 drew detailed labelled diagrams to show the main parts of a vehicle: wheels and axles, chassis and body. Making our models involved sawing wooden dowel for axles and understanding how to join an axle to a body, so that the wheels can still move freely.
We then used boxes and cardboard to build the vehicle body and painted our models. Finally, we used pen to draw on extra details on, such as windows and words. All our models move well and look brilliant!
Marvellous Model Vehicles!
Modern Lamps for Florence Design & Technology Autumn 2 2016
First, Year 2 used the Ipads to research the life of Florence Nightingale, and answer comprehension questions. We looked at the Turkish lanterns that Florence used, to check on her injured patients in the Scutari hospital and compared these to modern, electrical lighting. Next, we had great fun investigating electrical circuits to make bulbs light up and learned how to make switches to control the flow of electricity. Although it was initially quite tricky, the children then used their measuring skills to make card lanterns, which acted as covers for the plastic cups holding the electrical circuits. Finally, the card lanterns were decorated and the lamps assembled. I am really proud of the children's finished lamps!
Lit-up Lanterns!
Young Overseal Artists Award - Artist Workshop Morning 3/1/17
For the Spring term, Year 2 are working towards their Young Overseal Artists Award certificates. This award involves the children taking part in a variety of arts activities, finding out about artists and their work, and finally sharing their arts discovery with others. We will be holding an exhibition in an afternoon in March to share all our work, and everyone is very welcome to come along.
We started our topic based on "Collage Dreams" with our Artist Workshop Morning. Local artist, Steve Coley, gave us an opportunity to view his work first-hand, make collages with him and ask him questions about his career.
It was a great experience for everyone involved and lots of the children said that it was the first time that they had actually worked with an artist, so it was especially exciting for them.
After looking at Steve's own collages, he demonstrated how to create a mixed-media collage, using various paper scraps and glue, based on one colour only. He then explained that collages are like jigsaws in that you play with the pieces, until they "fit" and you like what you see.
After Year 2 had made their own collages, they were inspired and felt very confident with this technique. To finish-off the collages, we then drew pictures with coloured biro pens on tissue paper and glued these over the top of their collages.
As you can see in the photos below, their final creations were stunning!
Artist Workshop Day!
Cracking Collages!

Spring term 2 Art and Design Collage Dreams
Year 2 researched a variety of different artists' work, describing what they like and dislike, colours, shapes and images used. Artists included Matisse, Dali, Van Gogh and Chagall. We also looked at the illustrations of Raymond Briggs and Anthony Browne, and used these to understand the terms "background", "middle-ground" and "foreground".
We then used all our new skills to create our own mixed-media collages. Initially, the children covered thick card with pieces of maps and tissue paper to create a textured background. Brush pens were great fun for creating background patterns, inspired by Van Gogh, Raymond Briggs and Anthony Browne.
Following this, the children experimented with mixing their own paint colours for middle-ground images. Our final activity was based on the cut-out images used for collage by Matisse. Year 2 drew personal pictures, and used different graded pencils to explore shading, as well as coloured pencils. Finally, these were cut out, glued in place in the foreground, and any extra ribbon was then added for a final flourish.
Our exhibition in the main hall, where the children were able to share all their work with their friends and families, was a great success! Thanks so much to everyone who was able to come - the children clearly enjoyed themselves and it was a great confidence boost for them all!
Using brush pens and colour mixing with paint
Adding foreground images and finishing touches
Cracking collages!
Year 2's Art Exhibition for families
Summer term 1 - Design and Technology - African Animal Puppets
This topic is linked to the Geography topic on Africa.
First, the children looked at photos and described some animal's characteristics, such as having tusks made from ivory, or being a herbivore. Each child chose an animal and drew their design on a paper pattern template. Then we investigated a variety of different puppets, which included finger puppets, glove puppets and marionettes, to see how they were made. After selecting colours for a felt base, the children made their glove puppets by sewing the edges together and then adding details for features.
Finally, the children got into groups and performed their own puppet shows in front of the class!
We now have a class zoo of African animal puppets, which include elephants, meerkats, monkeys and gorillas!
Amazing African Animal Puppets!