Weekly Spelling Tests
Your child's weekly spellings are sent home in a green spelling book every week. Please encourage the children to look after their spelling book and to complete their spellings carefully and neatly.
Children know that if they do not bring their spellings then they will spend their own time during Golden Time practicing them. If your child does not have time to do their spellings at home, they are welcome to attend Homework Club during Tuesday dinner time to complete them.
The children will have a spelling test every Monday and on this day they need to hand in their completed spelling book from the previous Monday.
Try these spelling strategies to help improve your spelling!
The government have issued statutory spellings for primary school children. Your child will be tested on the Year 4 spellings throughout the year. These spellings will be sent home as part of weekly spelling tests and we will focus on them within the classroom. However, if you wish, you can download the full list of spellings for the year.