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Autumn 2 SUPERHEROES (people who help us)

Vocabulary Triangle (explained)


At the start of each new topic we talk to the children about what they already know related to our focus topic. We create a mind map with all of their prior knowledge. This helps us to then make the vocabulary triangle to identify new vocabulary for the children to understand and use during the topic.


TIER 1- Prior knowledge 

TIER 2- Focus vocabulary to introduce during the topic

TIER 3- Aspirational words to extend the children’s vocabulary 

Doctors Surgery (role play)

On 12.11.19 we were visited by Dr Husain who is an air ambulance doctor.

25.11.19 We made skeletons from different materials and bandaged dolls' broken bones!

2.12.19 This week, we have learned facts about Police Officers and made patrol cars with turning wheels.
