Our Art and Design topic in the Autumn term, will involve creating traditional Chinese landscapes. We will be using watercolour media and experimenting with a variety of techniques, such as wet-into-wet washes and spattering!
Next, as part of the Literacy topic on the abolition of slavery, Year 6 will each be sewing a sampler, using a chosen pattern and a variety of fabrics. When these are completed, they will all be joined together to form an American Freedom Quilt!
In the spring, the children will create clay sculptures inspired by Mayan art and architecture. We will build on previous skills of carving and moulding, and explore different methods of creating texture in clay.
In the summer, Year 6 focus on Design Technology skills and build Soapbox Rally models! This topic enables the children to understand how pulleys, combined with electrical motors, can create different types of movement. The theme is France, so look forward to "speeding snails", "cruising croissants" and "aerodynamic Eiffel Towers"!