We are super 'Mathemagicians' in Year 4!...
At the start of Autumn term, we are really going to focus on getting our understanding of place value perfect. Place value underpins the entirety of the mathematics curriculum, so we really need to be secure with this.
When we are really secure with our place value, we will be moving onto addition and subtraction. We will be securing the column method and also refining our use of mental skills. We will then move onto solving problems and investigations based on addition and subtraction.
After this, we will be looking at multiplication and division. We will be covering the following: multiples and factors; mental multiplication of 2 digit and one digit numbers; written multiplication of 2 digit and 3 digit numbers by one digit numbers and short division. We will also be looking a these during investigations and problem solving sessions.
Throughout the year, we will also have focused arithmetic sessions. This is where we will focus on the four operations and the different methods we can use. We will be looking at our mental fluency and securing our basic number knowledge as well as practicing our times tables.
Every week, we practice our times tables on a Friday and in Year 4 we really focus on the 6, 7 and 9 times tables.