Stone Age to Iron Age
In Autumn 1, we looked at the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We discussed and learnt about the following questions:
- What jobs do archaeologists do and why are they so valuable in helping us find out about history?
- What does prehistoric mean?
- What do we know about the life styles of the early Britons through the art they produced?
- What kinds of sources tell us about the Stone Age?
- What was life like at Skara Brae?
- What is Stonehenge?
- What was so good about bronze and how is it made?
- What do grave goods tell us about the Bronze Age?
- What was life like at an Iron Age hill fort?
- What is an Iron Age roundhouse?
- What was Iron Age art like?
Take a look at some of our work.
We discussed what an Iron Age roundhouse looked like and background information about them.
We found out that the Celtic tribes lived in scattered villages. They lived in roundhouses with thatched roofs of straw or heather. The walls of their houses were made from local material. Houses in the south tended to be made from wattle (woven wood) and daub (straw and mud) as there was an ample supply of wood from the forests. The houses had no windows and the roof was made from straw with mud placed on top to keep the warmth in. The Celts would light a fire in the middle of the roundhouse for cooking and heating and smoke from the fire escaped through a hole in the roof. Animals were often kept inside the house at night too.
Then the children followed instructions to make their own. They thought about units of measure because they had to carefully use a ruler to measure the straws to different lengths.