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Year 2

Island Vehicles - Design & Technology Autumn 2019

As part of the Literacy topic on Katie Morag this Autumn, Year 2 children have been designing and making their own vehicles in Design and Technology lessons. We started by looking at a range of vehicles and identifying their different purposes, such as emergency, work, transport or leisure.

Next, we drew diagrams of different vehicles that would be used on Katie's Island of Struay. Then, we began to design our own purposeful vehicles, such as a tractor for Katie's Grannie, or a post van to deliver the mail. Year 2 drew detailed labelled diagrams to show the main parts of a vehicle: wheels and axles, chassis and body. 

Examples of diagrams drawn and activities completed in sketchbooks

Our next step is to make our models, which involves understanding how to join an axle to a body, so that the wheels can still move freely. Year 2 will be using boxes and cardboard to build the vehicle body and finally painting their finished models. We will all have great fun when we test out our models in a rally in the hall!

Examples of finished models

Everyone had great fun testing our models in a rally in the hall!

Art and Design Spring 2020

We started our collage topic by looking at the work of local artist, Steph Coley. Year 2 then created their own mixed-media collages, using various bits of scrap paper, including stamps, fabrics, stickers, coloured papers and music sheet.  The children each chose one colour to focus on, so that their finished collage would have a theme. We discussed how collages are like jigsaws in that you play with the pieces, until they "fit" and you like what you see.

After Year 2 had made their own collages, they were inspired and felt very confident with this technique. 

As you can see in the photos below, their final creations were super!
