Year 5
Environmental Art Art and Design Autumn 1 2017
Year 5 have been investigating the work of Environmental Artists, such as Andy Goldsworthy and Richard Long. We have discussed our personal opinions on this type of sculpture and how it is meant to be ephemeral (made to disappear or transform) or designed for a particular place and can't be moved.
Having collected natural objects from the local environment (my apologies for any muddy shoes!) we set about designing and then creating our own sculptures on the lawned area at the front of school. Environmental artists photograph their work to record it, so we took lots of photos on the Ipads. We then used these photos to create photo collages using the "Pic Collage" app.
As usual, Year 5's creations were awe-inspiring and looked phenomenal! In the coming weeks, we plan on reviewing our sculptures as time passes, seeing how the elements and animals have changed our original designs.
Resources hunt!
Inspiration from Nature - the children's iPad photo collages of available resources
Making Sculptures
Children's iPad photo collages to show the making process
Year 5's finished Environmental Art Sculptures
We took photos of our sculptures a week later, to see how they had been changed by the weather and animals. As you can see in the slideshow below, our sculptures are ephemeral, just like Andy Goldsworthy's!
Air Pressure Aliens/ Pneumatic Moon Buggies Design & Technology Autumn 2 2017
As part of the Science topic on Earth and Space, Y5 have investigated air pressure and how pneumatic mechanisms can be used for movement. Initially, we started by researching everyday objects which use pneumatics to operate, and then focused on pneumatic toys. Using simple syringe and tubing systems, the children were able to experiment with lifting and moving objects. After designing their own alien or moon buggy, Y5 decorated the box structure base with a variety of materials, in order to create their moving model. As you can see from the photos, we had some very ingenious creations, which Year 3 came to admire and play with!
Marvellous models!
Year 3 come to visit and play with the models!
Cooking savoury pastries - Design and Technology - Spring 2018
Initially, we began this Food Technology topic by researching different food groups and investigating what makes up a healthy balanced diet. Then, in small groups, the children designed healthier pastries, which combined cheese with a selection of fruit and vegetables. Miss Blake demonstrated how to make simple cheese straws using a basic recipe, which tasted very good (surprisingly enough!) and this was also an opportunity to taste different cheeses. Red Leicester was definitely the most popular! Next came the cooking, which involved a variety of skills including: delegating responsibilities within the group, weighing foods, and cutting safely with sharp knives using the "bridge" or "claw" hold. Each group's pastry was uniquely designed and looked very appetising! Needless to say, the children enjoyed eating their cooked pastries and they were quite rightly proud of themselves! Masterchef, here we come!
Preparing the pastries
Perfect Pastrie Bake-off!

Summer 1 term -Design and Technology -Victorian Cam Toys
As part of the History topic on Victorian life in Overseal, Year 5 have investigated cam mechanisms. We experimented with a variety of cam profiles (different shapes) to understand how cams change rotary motion into linear motion, via a follower (shaft).
Initially, the children drew diagrams to understand technical vocabulary, and then played with a selection of modern cam toys, to see them working.
Following this, we then imagined what local Victorian life might have been like at Overseal Manor. Who worked there? Who lived there? Why is the village here? The children considered the roles of chimney sweeps, housemaids and miners. They also researched toys, such as steam engines, rocking horses and soldiers, which the rich children may have played with.
The next step involved Year 5 in building the cam mechanism and box framework, ensuring that the cam rotated adequately, when in place. Then the children added their chosen designs to create their own Victorian Cam Toys! Year 3 popped in for a visit, when the models were complete, and enjoyed playing with them.
Well done Year 5! Your models are excellent!