Year 3
Torches and Kaleidoscopes Design and Technology Autumn 1 2019
For the first half of the Autumn term, Year 3 have been investigating torches and kaleidoscopes. We started this Design and Technology topic by disassembling torches and investigating the components inside with detailed diagrams. Then came the part everyone had been waiting for...making our own kaleidoscopes! First we decorated a carboard tube with our own designs. Then we inserted a triangular prism of mirrored card inside this tube, to add as the reflector. Finally, we took our kaleidoscopes around school and on the playground to investigate all the amazing patterns created by just simple, everyday objects! Hey Presto! - we are magicians!
9.10.19 Making our kaleidoscopes
Examples of diagrams completed in sketchbooks
Spring 1 half term, Art and Design, Ancient Egyptian Pattern
This half term, we began our Egyptian theme and experimented with printing techniques.
Initially, Year 3 investigated what pattern is - a repeated motif - and then researched the elements used in Egyptian patterns, such as plants, animals and gods. We also investigated patterns around school, creating collages on the apps Pic collage and Show Me.
The children used these elements to inspire their own designs, and carved these patterns on to polystyrene tiles. The next step involved rolling printing ink on to these tiles, with brayers, and pressing them down on to cotton fabric, repeating this process to create block prints.
The prints the children have created are stunning! Well done everyone!
We drew symmetrical Egyptian patterns on ipads, using the Show Me app.
Printing with our carved tiles!
Spring term 2 - Art and Design - Egyptian Death Masks
We continued our topic based on Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture by drawing sketches of giant sculptures, such as the Great Sphinx and the pyramids. Year 3 also researched the symbolism and different styles of death masks. The children have made sketches and used different graded drawing pencils to experiment with shading and tones. We have also drawn self-portraits with head-dresses, using fractions for the proportions of the face, and gel pens for metallic colours.
When creating our own sculptures, we used clay to create mini death masks and had great fun getting messy! I am really proud of everyone's effort and excellent skills with clay!