Hello, Year 2!
Welcome to our class page.
Important Information
Water Bottles
Please make sure you have a water bottle in school every day so that you can stay hydrated.
Please try to read every day. You will get a sticker on your bookmark every time you read 3 times a week. Once you have 6 stickers on your bookmark, you will earn a reward.
Please remember to bring your reading book and diary into school every day.
Library books
We visit the library every fortnightly on a Monday morning. When you have finished with your library book, you will be able to change your book on the next Monday that we visit.
PE and Forest School
Our class PE lessons are every Tuesday and Thursday. Forest School will be every Wednesday for Autumn 1 and Spring 1. Please ensure you come to school on these days in the appropriate school PE kit and no jewellery. Remember to keep your PE pumps in school.
Homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in on a Wednesday.
Spelling tests will be on a Friday and new spellings will be set on this day too.