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Homework Set

Homework Set week 1

Maths Place value sheet 

Literacy-Nouns and adjectives worksheet.


Week 2

Maths-Rounding work sheet

Literacy- Subject verb object worksheet


Week 3

Maths- Negative Numbers Sheet 

Literacy- Passive Voice work sheet. 


Week 4 2nd October

Maths -Long Multiplication work sheet. 

RE- Ramadan Task to do at home. 

For this RE task I would like you to convey what you have learnt about Ramadan. You could use the sheet to show your learning. You may choose a different way to show your learning such as through a powerpoint, a written task or even a piece of art work. Be creative and show your family everything you have learnt. You may carry out more research at home into this special time for Muslims. This project needs to be handed in on the Wednesday 14th of October. There will be time in class to share the children's work. 




Homework set 16th October

A division maths sheet has been sent home.

A formal writing task has been sent home.

On Purplemash children should log on and a slavery homework task has been set as a 2Do. On this writing frame children can record all they have learnt about slavery in the slave trade triangle so far. It would be impressive to see some use of quotes. This has to be handed in after half term on the first Wednesday back 4th November.


Homework set on the 23rd October

Over the holidays please log on to teams using information given, there should be a maths quiz set to do.

Log on to Purplemash and finish your slavery project.

Try to go on Rockstars and Mathletics

Enjoy Reading Wizards

See you after a relaxing break!

Homework for the 6th November


Log on to Teams. We are all trying to get used to this platform as it would be very useful if our class bubble ever had to close. There is an Order of Operations quiz to review our learning in lcass from the week. 


You also have a brackets and dashes work sheet to practice adding extra information to sentences using this punctuation.


Please Wizards go onto Mathletics if you can, there is a Bidmas task set. Try to improve your time on Rockstars over the week. Certificates are usually given on a Tuesday. 


Remember to find time to enjoy your book wizards! 





