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Year 3 (Dazzling Diamonds) - Mr. Cheetham

Welcome to Year 3


Things to Remember this this half term (5.11.19 - 21.12.19) :

Monday: PE kit (Indoor/outdoor depending on the weather)

Wednesday: PE kit (Indoor/outdoor depending on the weather)

Wednesday: Hand in Homework

Friday : Hand in Spellings, Change library books


Reading books and diaries should be in school every day.


All children now have their Purple Mash log in details - why not try some of the activities! (www.purplemash.com/overseal) 



6th December 2019

We are buys practicing for our Christmas carols - please keep on learning the words to 'Little Donkey' at home! Remember as well, our Christmas card post box is available outside the classroom for you to deliver your Christmas cards. 


Awards this week: 

Well done to the following children who have achieved the following awards this week:

Shine work - Jack and Jasmine for their amazing story writing. 

Core British Values - Franky for showing respect to others. 

VIP - Well done Evie who was chosen by the class to be our VIP. 


29th November 2019


Another great week in Year 3. We have been learning a little more about the Stone Age, writing adventure stories in Literacy and beginning to look at division in Maths lessons. We have also been practising our Christmas songs ahead of our performance later in December. With Christmas just around the corner, we will have our Year 3 Christmas Card box outside the classroom from Monday - if the boys and girls would like to deliver cards to their friends, please let them bring them into school and post them! 


VIP and Shine: 

Congratulations to Sicily, who has been chosen as the Year 3 VIP for this week - Sicily has worked really hard this week, completed all her work and been a great friend to everyone. Well done Sicily!


In our Shine assembly, Connell was chosen to show off his fantastic writing that he completed - he had to add speech marks and punctuation, which he did confidently! Well done Connell. 


Core British Values: 

Daniel was chosen by Mrs. Houldsworth for showing 'respect' to all teachers and members of year 3 - this is a really important skill and I am really proud of Daniel for being chosen! 


Maths - 36 and 72 Club

Congratulations to Eleanorwho has successfully been awarded her 36 club badge today - a great achievement. Congratulations as well to Freddie, who becomes the first member of Year 3 to be awarded the 72 club, for getting 72 multiplication questions correct in 4 minutes! A great effort by both of them! 



As part of homework this week, the following spellings are to be learnt over the weekend: 


- Colourful

- Successful

- Beautiful

- Wonderful

- Spiteful


As well as this, please can the boys and girls complete the following pages from their homework booklets: 

- Page 15 - Maths 

- Page 3 - Grammar 


Many thanks - and well done to the boys and girls for a great week! Have a lovely weekend.


Mr. Cheetham


22nd November 2019


Firstly, it has been great to see the boys and girls back after their impromptu days off due to the flooding. They have had a great week multiplying and dividing, learning about homophones and also learning about rocks and soils during Science. We have also had a great day today as part of our 'Children in Need' celebration, learning about Pudsey the Bear and all the great work that is done. 


VIP and Shine:

VIP this week, as voted by the class, is Franky, for being such a wonderful role model and showing excellent listening skills during lesson time. Well done Franky!


For our Shine assembly, Marley and Thomas were selected for their incredible Soil Profile work during Science - Mrs. Hughes was so pleased! 


36 Club: 

Well done to Noah, George, Charlie and Isabelle who have successfully gained their '36 club' badge for their multiplication skills - keep it up!


Core British Values: 

Well done to Charlie and Ashton who were chosen to represent Year 3 in the Core British Values award this week - Charlie has shown outstanding respect to myself and Mrs. Houldsworth this week, and Ashton has shown great resilience throughout the week in his Maths and Literacy work, never giving up. Well done boys.



As part of homework this week, the following spellings are to be learnt over the weekend: 


- Supermarket

- Superhero

- Automatic

- Autopilot

- Autofocus


As well as this, please can the boys and girls complete the following pages from their homework booklets: 

- Page 14 - Maths (Multiplication)

- Page 2 - Grammar (Nouns)


Many thanks - and well done to the boys and girls for a great week! 


Mr. Cheetham



Welcome from Mr. Cheetham:

Firstly, welcome back from the half term holidays!


The boys and girls have settled really well into school-life again and it has been great to hear all about their Halloween holidays!


It would be lovely over the next couple of weeks for you to drop in and meet with me, informally. I will also be available in the coming weeks for Parent teacher meetings - this will be communicated with you at a later date. 


The topics that we are looking at this Half term are: 

Maths - Addition and Subtraction

Literacy - Adventure Stories

Science - Rocks

Design Technology - Erupting Volcanoes

R.E - Christianity

P.E - Dance and Movement

History and Geography - Stone Age to Iron Age / Earthquakes

Computing - Online Safety





